

Hunger Task Force works to end future hunger through advocacy—standing up for those who can’t stand alone. Advocacy is identifying problems and advancing policy solutions through research, public pressure, coalitions and direct lobbying. Advocacy is also identifying and organizing champions to raise their voices to make positive change.

We work with elected officials and government agencies to strengthen and improve programs that feed families in our community, and elevate stories of champions to amplify the impact that policy changes have on hungry families.

Our Story

Hunger Task Force was founded in 1974 by a group of parent advocates to support a school breakfast program in Milwaukee Public Schools. That work continues today and is part of our Mission Statement: “We work to prevent hunger and malnutrition by providing food to people in need today and by promoting social policies to achieve a hunger free community tomorrow.”

How We Advocate

One of the most important ways we work to end hunger is working with elected officials, government agencies and citizen advocates to strengthen and improve important food security programs on the national, state and local level. These programs—including the FoodShare program, Women, Infants and Children (WIC), School Meals, Summer Meals and senior nutrition programs—feed families in our community and make sure our champions have the chance to raise their voices to make positive change and end hunger in Wisconsin.

Hunger Relief Federation

The Hunger Relief Federation of Wisconsin is a statewide association of independent food banks and food pantries, formed for the express purpose of mutual benefit in matters related to funding, resource sharing and public policy organizing. Hunger Task Force is the founding member of the Hunger Relief Federation, bringing together free and local partners from across the state. The Hunger Relief Federation of Wisconsin aims to connect anti-hunger advocate partners throughout the state to engage and expand the Free, Local, Independent model. Learn more.

Join Voices Against Hunger!

Voices Against Hunger is Hunger Task Force’s citizen advocacy group. The goal of Voices Against Hunger is simple: Advocate together to promote social policies to end future hunger. Joining Voices Against Hunger is a quick, impactful way you can influence effective anti-hunger public policy.

2025 – 2027 Federal and State Legislative Agenda 

Hunger Task Force is an anti-hunger leader and public policy organization in Wisconsin. This legislative agenda details the organization’s 2025 – 2027 Federal and State Legislative priorities and other items that Hunger Task Force will support.  

Hunger Task Force Federal and State Advocacy Priorities 

  • Pass a new Farm Bill that increases funding for vital federal nutrition programs and expands access to nutritious food for low-income people, families, and seniors 
  • Ensure all children have year-round access to healthy and nutritious in-school and out-of-school meals to help eradicate childhood hunger 
  • Support policies in annual appropriations processes that fully fund programs that benefit the health and well-being of those in need 
  • Advocate for state legislation that increases funding and expands access to healthy and nutritious foods for Wisconsinites 


Dr. Reno Wright

Advocacy Director

[email protected]

Carmen Baldwin, NDTR

Community Nutrition Manager

[email protected]

Allen Castillo

FoodShare Program Manager

[email protected]

Melanie Foland

Child Nutrition Educator

[email protected]

Tammy Keen

FoodShare Supervisor – Southside Community Resource Center

[email protected]

Leah Kostos, MBA, RDN, LDN

Community Nutrition Educator

[email protected]

Mark Lisowski

Hunger Relief Federation Organizer

[email protected]

Tania Ramsey

Child Nutrition Organizer

[email protected]

Brandon Savage

Hunger Relief Federation Manager

[email protected]

Fue Xiong

FoodShare Supervisor – Alicia’s Place

[email protected]


Fall 2022 Nutrition Education Quarterly available online

Hunger Task Force doesn't just feed people in our community – we help along their health journeys, too. Hunger Task Force offers a robust Nutrition Education Program committed to providing useful tools to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Check out the Fall 2022 edition of...

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Hunger Task Force Welcomes USDA Deputy Under Secretary

Hunger Task Force hosted the United States Department of Agriculture’s Deputy Under Secretary Stacy Dean during her two-day visit to Milwaukee on September 12 and 13. Deputy Under Secretary Dean was appointed by President Biden to advance the President's agenda on...

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Summer 2022 Nutrition Education Quarterly available online

Hunger Task Force doesn't just feed people in our community – we help along their health journeys, too. Hunger Task Force offers a robust Nutrition Education Program committed to providing useful tools to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Check out the Summer 2022 edition...

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Spring 2022 Nutrition Education Quarterly available online

Hunger Task Force doesn't just feed people in our community – we help along their health journeys, too. Hunger Task Force offers a robust Nutrition Education Program committed to providing useful tools to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Check out the Spring 2022 edition...

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Winter 2022 Nutrition Education Quarterly available online

Hunger Task Force doesn't just feed people in our community – we help along their health journeys, too. Hunger Task Force offers a robust Nutrition Education Program committed to providing useful tools to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Check out the Winter 2022 edition...

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Voices Against Hunger: Policy District, February 2022 – 001

While the pandemic has been an opportunity for the federal government to expand access to nutrition programs, some state legislatures are looking for ways to limit access to those programs. In early February, the Wisconsin legislature began debate on bills that would...

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A Conversation with Matt Stienstra, FoodShare Program Manager

In preparation for relaunching a Voices Against Hunger newsletter, we sat down with Matt Stienstra, FoodShare Program Manager and former Advocacy Campaign Manager at Hunger Task Force. Matt discusses the importance of FoodShare and shares advice for accepting the...

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Nutrition Education Team shares favorite holiday recipes

Hunger Task Force operates a robust nutrition education program to educate students, parents, and the public about healthy eating on a budget. We don’t just feed our community—we also educate our students, seniors and families about healthy eating and the Hunger Task...

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Waukesha School Board Votes To Feed All Students

Schools play a critical role in feeding children. For many students, food they receive at school makes a substantial difference in their ability to learn and safeguards their health. The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) has historically ensured that...

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USDA Modernizes the Thrifty Food Plan, Updates SNAP Benefits

WASHINGTON, August 16, 2021 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today released a re-evaluation of the Thrifty Food Plan, used to calculate Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. As a result, the average SNAP benefit – excluding additional...

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