Stockbox DoorDash Senior Delivery

In partnership with DoorDash Impact, Hunger Task Force offers a food delivery program to seniors called Stockbox DoorDash. The program provides income- and location-eligible seniors with an opportunity to receive home delivery of a free Stockbox each month. Stockbox includes cereal, milk, canned fruits and vegetables, pasta or rice, protein, fruit juice, canned meat and a block of Wisconsin government cheese.

Hunger Task Force Logo

Program Eligibility

Eligible seniors must:

  • Be age 60 or older;
  • Meet income eligibility requirements of <$1,957 for an individual ($2,644 for a two-person household);
  • Not currently receiving a Stockbox from a distribution or food pantry;
  • Live within a 10-mile radius of Hunger Task Force, located at 5000 W. Electric Avenue.

Eligible seniors should fill out the form below to sign up for your first Stockbox DoorDash delivery. Deliveries are scheduled about a week after the application is completed and enrollment is confirmed. Once you receive your first delivery, subsequent deliveries will most likely be scheduled the same day of the week/week of the month the following month (i.e. 2nd Thursday of the month, 3rd Monday, etc).

Questions? Call Hunger Task Force at 414.777.0483, and select ext.2 when prompted, to connect to the Stockbox DoorDash hotline.


Inclement Weather Notice:

If your Stockbox delivery must be cancelled due to inclement weather, we will deliver it to you on the next possible business day.

We will notify you directly if your delivery needs to be rescheduled for any reason.

Stockbox DoorDash Senior Delivery Form

You must be 60 years old or older to be eligible.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Select a day of the week for your delivery. Deliveries are made on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
This must be a cell phone because it is the number we will use to text you updates about your Stockbox DoorDash delivery.
Photo of Government-Issued ID required for eligibility verification. Take a photo of your ID and upload it here.
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, heic, Max. file size: 50 MB.
Deliveries can be made to apartment buildings. Delivery drivers will coordinate with the recipient for instructions on entering the building.
How did you hear about Stockbox DoorDash?(Required)

Milwaukee Seniors Zina and Andrew Stretch their Food Budget with Stockbox DoorDash and FoodShare

Discover how community support through programs like Stockbox DoorDash and FoodShare empowers seniors like Zina and Andrew Alexander. Their story reveals the vital role these programs play in their lives.

Hunger Task Force is Ensuring Senior Nutrition and Well-Being in a Post-Pandemic Economy

In February 2023, Wisconsin families and seniors faced a reduction in their FoodShare benefits due to the end of the federal program providing additional assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over a year later, the end of these benefits meant a significant loss in purchasing power for many Wisconsinites, including 85-year-old Greendale resident Judith Juszczyski.

For low-income seniors, getting healthy food is a challenge. Hunger Task Force uses DoorDash to help.

Monthly Stockboxes from Hunger Task Force fill a crucial gap in nutrition for local seniors. Nearly 11,000 people in the Milwaukee area receive a monthly Stockbox. Those who don’t get the boxes from a DoorDash driver pick them up at senior dining sites or at subsidized senior living facilities.

Stockbox DoorDash program celebrates 10,000th delivery

Since July 2021, Hunger Task Force has partnered with DoorDash and United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County to provide nutritious food to seniors living in Milwaukee and Waukesha County through the Stockbox DoorDash program. The Stockbox is a free, monthly box of food for income-eligible seniors age 60+.

Stockbox DoorDash eases hardship of grocery shopping for Milwaukee senior

For Elizabeth Blake, getting to the grocery store is becoming a challenge. Relying on a cane for mobility, Blake notes her monthly shopping trip has become a significant hardship, “I get to the grocery store about once a month because getting around is so hard for me.”

Stockbox delivery program engages DoorDash drivers in mission to serve seniors

As she arrived at the large warehouse off W. Electric Ave, Dionna Henderson already knew this pick-up was not her typical DoorDash request. As she followed the large blue arrows set out to lead driver to the loading area, Henderson welcomed the idea of supporting the Hunger Task Force mission of providing food to…

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Hunger Task Force is excited to offer a brand new method for getting healthy, shelf-stable food items to seniors with the Stockbox DoorDash program. In partnership with United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County and DoorDash, Hunger Task Force kicks off this pilot delivery program that provides a free Stockbox to homebound, income-eligible seniors.