Please read before applying:

Please complete the following application. This application should be completed for GROUPS only, individuals or family units should complete the individual application form. Please plan for 1-3 months lead time for scheduling volunteer events.

Due to high volunteer interest from schools and youth groups, opportunities may be limited to once per year for these groups. For safety reasons volunteers must be 16+ to participate. Please reach out for additional information about youth opportunities, including hosting a food drive or educational tours. Groups who intended to volunteer to meet work, service, or benefit requirements will be ineligible to volunteer.

Group Volunteer Application Request

Group Leader Contact(Required)
Group Infomation(Required)
Address (If Applicable)
Preferred Activity/Activities(Required)
Select any/all of the volunteer activities your group may be interested in.
Note: Requested dates must be Monday-Friday AM (9a-12p) or PM (1p-4p). We are not currently scheduling weekend or evening shifts. We suggest booking 2-3 months in advance.
Please offer any information if your work or host organization offers PTO, matching gifts or other incentives to volunteer.
Everyone in my group is 16 or older.(Required)
I understand submitting a request does not guarantee a specific date or activity.(Required)