Donate Now

Make a secure, online donation today to help feed hungry families and end hunger in our community.
Donate Now

Gifts for The Farm

From cultivating seeds to harvesting fresh produce, the Hunger Task Force Farm needs support year-round.

Planned Giving

A planned gift will help Hunger Task Force feed families into the future and is a meaningful way to honor loved ones.

Monthly Donors

A monthly recurring donation is an incredible way to commit your gift over time to support regular operations and food contributions.

Honor & Tribute Gifts

Have a special occasion to celebrate? Want to honor a loved one? Make a special tribute gift to Hunger Task Force.

Host a Virtual Food Drive

Make a direct impact on local hunger by organizing a virtual food drive and raising funds for our Free & Local mission.

Gifts of Stock/Bonds

Did you know you can donate gifts of stock, mutual funds, IRAs and other securities and property to Hunger Task Force?

Hunger Relief Fund

Support more than twenty Free & Local anti-hunger organizations in Southeastern Wisconsin with the Hunger Relief Fund.

Give via Mail / Phone

Prefer to give via mail or phone? No problem! Hunger Task Force is here to make your donation to be as easy as possible.

Workplace Giving

Giving at work is an easy way to feed hungry families in Milwaukee. Choose Hunger Task Force on your workplace giving form!