Hunger Task Force is Here to Help You Apply For and Maintain Your FoodShare Benefits in Spanish

Sep 26, 2024

Hunger Task Force está aquí para ayudarte a solicitar y mantener tus beneficios de FoodShare en español

En Hunger Task Force, nuestro talentoso equipo de defensores bilingües de FoodShare brinda apoyo personalizado a individuos y familias que buscan solicitar FoodShare y mantener sus beneficios. En nuestro Centro de Recursos en el lado sur de Milwaukee, varios defensores, incluidos Margarita y Armando, están esperando para ayudarte en español y brindarte consejos sobre cómo usar los beneficios de FoodShare.

Como Margarita lo dice mejor, en Hunger Task Force ayudamos a las personas a obtener alimentos con dignidad, solicitar FoodShare y mantener sus beneficios durante todo el año. Cuando las personas ingresan al Centro de Recursos de FoodShare de Hunger Task Force, saben que serán tratadas con respeto y amabilidad, como si fueran parte de nuestra familia.

Si eres un inmigrante en el proceso de obtener residencia permanente, no hay necesidad de temer que solicitar beneficios de FoodShare interfiera. Como comparte Armando, Hunger Task Force realizará todo el proceso para solicitar FoodShare con cada cliente y trabajará con cada individuo para determinar la elegibilidad, presentar la verificación necesaria y llamar a los servicios de inscripción de Milwaukee en tu nombre si es necesario.

Margarita recomienda tratar FoodShare como efectivo y mantener tus fondos lo más seguros posible al no compartir tu tarjeta Quest con otros y proteger el número PIN al no dárselo a otros.

Obtén más información o conéctate con un Advocate hoy:

At Hunger Task Force, our talented team of bilingual FoodShare Advocates provide one-on-one support for individuals and families seeking to apply for FoodShare and maintain their benefits. At our Resource Center on Milwaukee’s Southside, several advocates, including Margarita and Armando, are waiting to assist you in Spanish and provide tips for using FoodShare benefits.

As Margarita says it best, at Hunger Task Force we help people get food with dignity, apply for FoodShare and maintain their benefits all year long. When individuals walk into the Hunger Task Force FoodShare Resource Center, they know that they are going to be treated with respect and kindness – as though they were a member of our family.

If you are an immigrant in the process of obtaining permanent residency, there’s no need to fear that applying for FoodShare benefits will interfere. As Armondo shares, Hunger Task Force will go through the entire process to apply for FoodShare with every client and work with each individual to determine eligibility, submit verification that’s needed and call Milwaukee enrollment services on your behalf if needed.

Margarita recommends treating FoodShare like cash and keeping your funds as safe as possible by not sharing your Quest card with others and protecting the pin number by not giving it to others.

Learn more or get connected to an Advocate today:

Hunger Task Force is Milwaukee’s Free & Local food bank and Wisconsin’s anti-hunger leader. The organization’s core values are Dignity, Justice, Equity, Compassion and Stewardship. Hunger Task Force feeds people today by providing healthy and culturally appropriate food to hungry children, families and seniors in the community absolutely free of charge. Hunger Task Force also works to end future hunger by advocating for strong public policies and nutrition programs at the local, state and federal level.