Kohl’s Commitment to the Hunger Task Force Mission: Q&A with Tom Kingsbury, CEO

Jun 7, 2024

50 Faces. 50 Stories. 50 Years of Fighting Hunger.

Hunger Task Force is proud to be Milwaukee’s only Free & Local food bank and Wisconsin’s anti-hunger leader. In celebration of our 50th Anniversary, Hunger Task Force is highlighting “50 Faces of Ending Hunger,” honoring the anti-hunger heroes who champion Free & Local and support our mission to end hunger.


Q&A with Tom Kingsbury, chief executive officer of Kohl’s


Why is combatting (childhood) hunger so important to you personally and Kohl’s as an organization?

Having access to nutritious food is a basic human right and the foundation for healthy and happy kids, families and communities, which is why it’s so important for us at Kohl’s to support the cause – especially in our hometown of Milwaukee. We take great pride in our partnership with Hunger Task Force and in supporting the incredible work they’re doing to bridge the food insecurity gap and eradicate hunger locally.

Kohl’s and Hunger Task Force have partnered for 15 years. What are your favorite memories and accomplishments?

I love that our partnership with Hunger Task Force is multifaceted and hands-on, which is so rewarding. In addition to funding essential initiatives like the Summer Meals program and Hunger Task Force’s network of partner food pantries, soup kitchens and homeless shelters, we’ve had amazing opportunities to participate in stockbox builds and food sorts, and volunteer at The Farm. It’s so fulfilling and heartwarming to hear the stories about how impactful the work is, see the results and be a part of the solution.

Why is it so important to give back to your community?

Giving back to the community, especially our hometown of Milwaukee, is at the heart of who we are at Kohl’s. We deeply value ensuring that community members have the resources necessary to thrive, which is why we’ve committed nearly $160 million to local nonprofits throughout company history. Our support covers a variety of causes important to both our associates and the community, including mental health, social services, economic empowerment, and the arts.

How many volunteering hours have you logged at Hunger Task Force?

One of the aspects I appreciate most about our partnership with Hunger Task Force is how many Kohl’s associates enjoy giving their time to the organization. It’s a great opportunity for our associates to connect with the community and each other, as many often volunteer as teams or with their entire department.

Since 2018, Kohl’s associates have tallied more than 8,500 volunteer hours building stockboxes, sorting food and more. Over the last six years, more than 2,000 Kohl’s associates have volunteered across more than 150 events, leading to more than $370,000 in donations to Hunger Task Force through the Kohl’s Cares Volunteer Program.

What message do you have for full-time employees who are interested in giving back to their community?

Volunteering is a rewarding experience for us all. It contributes significantly to improved mental well-being, associate engagement, and nurturing a sense of belonging across the company and within the community. We strongly encourage associates to give back with their time and talents to causes they’re passionate about through our Kohl’s Cares Volunteer Program. It’s a privilege to be able to give back and we are proud to create space and opportunities for our associates to volunteer on their own or with their teams. Together, we can all have a role in making our communities stronger.

How has the relationship with Kohl’s and Hunger Task Force evolved over the years?

The programming Kohl’s supports has evolved over the years to meet the needs of the community, but the heart of our work with Hunger Task Force remains unchanged. We are dedicated to helping Hunger Task Force achieve their mission of ending hunger in our shared community and home state. With the guidance and input of our partners at Hunger Task Force, Kohl’s has been able to direct funding and volunteer efforts in a way that best helps ensure people of all ages have access to free, healthy food in Milwaukee. We’re grateful for Hunger Task Force’s partnership and look forward to continuing to build better and brighter futures for our communities.

Meet the 50 Faces of Ending Hunger!

Click below to discover real people making a difference in the fight against hunger – new faces added each month! As we journey through our 50th year, keep checking back to meet more incredible individuals making a difference.