Farm-to-Food Bank: How Hunger Task Force Farm Combats Food Insecurity in Milwaukee

May 31, 2024

By: Sarah Bressler, Farm Manager

Hey, fellow Wisconsinites! Sarah Bressler here, Farm Manager at the Hunger Task Force Farm. You might be familiar with Hunger Task Force’s mission to end hunger in Milwaukee County, but what you might not know is the unique role our 208-acre farm in Franklin, Wisconsin plays in achieving that goal.

We’re not your average farm. While we certainly grow a bounty of fresh, delicious produce, our primary crop is healthy food access. Over the growing season, with the help of nearly 6,000 incredible volunteers, we harvest over half a million pounds of fruits and vegetables that find their way directly to families and seniors facing food insecurity in Milwaukee. It’s incredibly rewarding to witness the impact that fresh, local produce has on our community.

But we don’t stop there. We grow 70 varieties of 28 crops, ensuring a well-rounded selection that caters to the specific needs and preferences of our diverse community. We believe everyone deserves access to culturally familiar foods, and we strive to bring that to the table.

Sustainability is another core principle that guides our every action. We prioritize responsible land management, incorporating practices that protect our soil health and promote biodiversity. We believe that caring for the land goes hand-in-hand with caring for our community.

If you’re a fellow farmer or grower in Wisconsin, I encourage you to reach out. We’re always happy to share our knowledge and learn from others. Whether you’re curious about our planning and growing process, our approach to sustainable practices, or simply want to connect with like-minded individuals passionate about using agriculture as a force for good, our doors are always open.

Together, we can leverage the power of agriculture to cultivate a healthier, more equitable future for all Wisconsinites. Please feel
free to contact me directly at [email protected] or visit for more information.

Hunger Task Force is Milwaukee’s Free & Local food bank and Wisconsin’s anti-hunger leader. The organization’s core values are Dignity, Justice, Equity, Compassion and Stewardship. Hunger Task Force feeds people today by providing healthy and culturally appropriate food to hungry children, families and seniors in the community absolutely free of charge. Hunger Task Force also works to end future hunger by advocating for strong public policies and nutrition programs at the local, state and federal level.