Valery Buechner Helped Hunger Task Force Become a TEFAP Administrator

Feb 22, 2024

Hunger Task Force became a leader in ending hunger thanks to Valery Buechner.

Hunger Task Force is the long-standing, trusted administrator of the USDA commodity foods program – The Emergency Food Assistance Program. In 1998 Valery Buechner held a pivotal role in Wisconsin as the administrator of this program.

“These were challenging times because welfare reforms resulted in the loss of food stamps for mothers and children and local food pantries were out of food. Hunger Task Force needed big help.” said Sherrie Tussler, CEO of Hunger Task Force.

Valery advocated for Hunger Task Force with the administration and ultimately succeeded!  Hunger Task Force was able to receive semi-loads of healthy and nutritious food. Local food pantries averted a crisis, and, due to Valery’s care, families in need received food.

Valery Buechner was instrumental in our organization’s growth and a true community champion. In 2023, nearly 34% of all the food we distributed out of our warehouse was TEFAP food.

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