Student Interns from Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Join Forces with Hunger Task Force to Address Local School Meal Needs
Hunger Task Force is proud to announce our inaugural partnership with Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Milwaukee! Cristo Rey boasts an innovative, nationally acclaimed work-study model, affording students the opportunity to offset a portion of their educational expenses by engaging in entry-level positions within local organizations. Joining Hunger Task Force for the 2023-24 school year are Arnoldo (Senior), Itzel (Sophomore), Natalee (Freshman) and Fatima (Junior). Together with the Hunger Task Force Child Nutrition Organizer, the students will be working on projects that advance awareness and participation in school meals across local Milwaukee schools.

Meet the Students!

Arnoldo Alvarado-Benitez is a senior at Cristo Rey. His goal is to help improve school lunch by representing the voice of his peers in his work here at Hunger Task Force. Arnoldo plans to use new ideas and food suggestions to the table with his school leadership and meals provider in hopes that everyone enjoys the food that they are eating.

Itzel Miranda-Hernandez is a sophomore at Cristo Rey. Itzy believes that being able to work in inter positions will help her become productive and independent in the future. Itzy’s commitment to advocating for her classmates has already taken shape as she is developing bite-sized nutritional facts that she hopes to publish soon in her own blog, called Itzy Bitsy Bites.

Natalee Gaona is a freshman at Cristo Rey who is excited for her first job ever to be at Hunger Task Force. Natalee enjoys helping people and wants to spend time during her internship learning about healthier choices that kids can make when it comes to breakfast and snacking on the go.

Fatima Sanabria is a junior at Cristo Rey. Fatima looks forward to collecting feedback from students and organizing data in a way that helps students have input into where their food comes from. Fatima is working to see school meals and after school snacks that reflect the plethora of cultures represented by Cristo Rey students.