Zurn Elkay to Match All Turkey Donations to Hunger Task Force Throughout November

On Tuesday, November 1, Hunger Task Force and Zurn Elkay Water Solutions kicked off the 12th Annual Turkey Ticker Challenge. Throughout November, all frozen turkeys and online turkey donations received will be matched by Zurn Elkay Water Solutions. The Zurn Elkay Turkey Ticker Challenge aims to help families, seniors and children celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday by ensuring a turkey is the centerpiece at their Thanksgiving table and encourages the public to be especially generous with turkey donations this year.
“We encourage everyone who can donate to make a turkey donation this year,” said Rebecca Watson, Community Relations Specialist at Zurn Elkay. “Making turkeys accessible will help families celebrate this wonderful holiday season.”
Turkeys are $15 each and will be matched bird-for-bird all November long. Donations can be made online at or dropped off (frozen) at Hunger Task Force’s donation dock, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 5000 W. Electric Avenue, West Milwaukee.
“I want to remind everyone that Hunger Task Force is your free and local food bank and we are going to make sure that every single one of those turkeys goes out to a food pantry, soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or senior dining site,” said Sherrie Tussler, Executive Director Hunger Task Force.
Hunger Task Force will also be providing turkeys to local seniors servied at senior distribution sites throuhgout November so families can sit down and have a special holiday meal together. Tussler continued, “Hunger Task Force is going to make sure this is a great holiday thanks to our friends at Zurn Elkay and everyone that donates a turkey.”
As turkeys are donated, the Turkey Ticker count will be updated weekly on Hunger Task Force’s social media platforms and www.HungerTaskForce.org/turkey-ticker/.